Longarm Rental Training Session-E2E
Learn to set up the Amara 24 with Prostitcher for computerized quilting to finish your quilts!
Class Description
This is a 3-4 hour session (depending on your previous experience) designed to help you learn how to set up computerized edge-to-edge quilting using the Handiquilter Amara 24 longarm sewing machine with ProStitcher. This session is required for anyone that would like to rent time on the Amara 24 and use computerized quilting to finish their own quilts. You will learn the steps to prepare your projects to load onto the longarm frame. I use a Quick-Zip loading method, which saves significant time at the quilt frame when loading your quilt. We will review preparing your backing, pinning to the zippers, and loading to the frame. For this class, you will also learn the basics of the ProStitcher computerized system. You will select a pattern, edit it to fit the quilt, stitch out several rows and learn how to advance the quilt on the frame. Following the class you will have the opportunity to purchase a set of zippers to be able to prep your quilt in advance, so that when you rent the Amara 24, you can zip on your quilt and start quilting right away. You will do all of the pinning in advance, and simply attach your quilt to the frame with the zippers! Upon completion of this class you will know how to operate the Longarm safely and accurately and be ready to rent time and move your quilts tops to finished quilts!